Our friends Martyn and Linda had invited us to come and experience what God is doing in this amazing work in Kansas City. They have a house in Grandview which is the part of the city where this work is based.
The International House of Prayer is a place where there has been continuous worship, prayer and intercession happening for more than 10 years. It really blows your mind to grasp this amazing feat of dedication and commitment.
On four evenings a week there is The Student Awakening when the House of Prayer relocates to the main auditorium and the gathering grows to more than 1000. This happened because of a remarkable visitation from God last November at the School of Ministry, when for 15 hours God came among the students in power, conviction, healing and glory. This prompted the start of the Awakening led by Wes Hall and Alan Hood who are leading these meetings and also responsible for the School of Ministry.
We once again marvelled as we worshipped at the Awakening, saw God at work healing and transforming people. We received prayer and prophecy and participated in praying for others. Each night there were testimonies of healing both physical and emotional. Every Friday is Baptism night and more than 1500 have been baptised in the last 8 months.
You can see all that I have spoken about on the internet – go to www.ihop.org and select Prayer Room and the Live Prayer Room Webcast and enter into what is currently happening in the prayer room. Click on The Student Awakening and you can select past sessions, or if it is past midnight in UK, the current meeting.
I know this is a long blog and well done if you have made it to the end! In fact, I could have said more, but I hope that you have got a taste of what was a most inspiring and life changing experience. A team from The Awakening are in at the end of October and beginning of November in Newcastle, Manchester and Shaftesbury – details on Awakening page of IHOP website.