Thursday, 3 February 2011
Linda (not her real name) was a lady who had come to Joyce and me with severe problems. She had been badly abused as a child, was fearful, subject to fits of panic, and could see no hope and or future. Over a period of several months we had seen God do amazing things in her life. She had been released from many bondages of the enemy and healed of the abuse of the past. She was free and it was wonderful - we were all rejoicing.
One day she walked into our house with a sad and troubled face. “It’s all gone wrong, I have lost my joy and freedom, and even the fear is beginning to return.” I was aghast, and could not believe my ears. As I sent a desperate prayer heavenwards, suddenly God spoke into my heart and I found myself saying with great boldness and authority. “If you have lost your joy and freedom it will be because of one of four things – and I blurted out what God had spoken to me.” She listened amazed, and I was so surprised, I needed to break off my conversation and grab a piece of paper and write them down, in case I could not remember them later.
So I began to unfold one by one each Problem and the Key to Freedom.
Problem 1 – Unforgiveness
Unforgiveness does you more harm than the person whom you will not forgive. Unforgiveness is like drinking poison hoping someone else will die!
2 Corinthians 2: 10-11 “If you forgive anyone, I also forgive him …. In order that satan might not outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes.”
The Key – Forgive
Matthew 6:14-15 “For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.”
Problem 2 – Disobedience
Disobedience will put the devil on your back.
Ephesians 2:1-2 “You were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live when you followed the ways of the world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient.”
The Key – Obedience
Obedience will give you the power to resist the devil
James 4:7 “Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
Problem 3 – Unconfessed sin
Hidden sin will rob you of blessing
Proverbs 28:13 “He who conceals his sin will not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them finds mercy.”
The Key – Repent
Repentance sets you free to receive from God.
2 Corinthians 7:10 “Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death.”
Problem 4 – Believing Enemy Lies
The devil wants to trick you out of peace and victory
John 8:44 “The devil……For there is no truth in him. When he lies he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.”
John10:10 “The thief comes only to steal kill and destroy; but I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”
The Key – Confess the Word
Joshua 1:8 “Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.”
John 8:32 “Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.”
Key Verse: 2 Peter 1:3 “His diving power has given us everything we need for life and godliness…”
Thursday, 26 August 2010
A Visit to IHOP - Kansas City USA
Our friends Martyn and Linda had invited us to come and experience what God is doing in this amazing work in Kansas City. They have a house in Grandview which is the part of the city where this work is based.
The International House of Prayer is a place where there has been continuous worship, prayer and intercession happening for more than 10 years. It really blows your mind to grasp this amazing feat of dedication and commitment.
On four evenings a week there is The Student Awakening when the House of Prayer relocates to the main auditorium and the gathering grows to more than 1000. This happened because of a remarkable visitation from God last November at the School of Ministry, when for 15 hours God came among the students in power, conviction, healing and glory. This prompted the start of the Awakening led by Wes Hall and Alan Hood who are leading these meetings and also responsible for the School of Ministry.
We once again marvelled as we worshipped at the Awakening, saw God at work healing and transforming people. We received prayer and prophecy and participated in praying for others. Each night there were testimonies of healing both physical and emotional. Every Friday is Baptism night and more than 1500 have been baptised in the last 8 months.
You can see all that I have spoken about on the internet – go to and select Prayer Room and the Live Prayer Room Webcast and enter into what is currently happening in the prayer room. Click on The Student Awakening and you can select past sessions, or if it is past midnight in UK, the current meeting.
I know this is a long blog and well done if you have made it to the end! In fact, I could have said more, but I hope that you have got a taste of what was a most inspiring and life changing experience. A team from The Awakening are in at the end of October and beginning of November in Newcastle, Manchester and Shaftesbury – details on Awakening page of IHOP website.
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
Remarkable Lives
One of the people we have met fairly recently is Beth Barone. You need to listen to her amazing testimony on our website – go to Teaching Podcasts where you can listen or download. Beth is an American lady, married to an Italian pastor, who has triumphed over incredible odds. Beginning with terrible abuse from her earliest years, followed by four years in a mental institution, she met God and through an amazing journey has seen complete healing. Once you have listened to her story you will have more understanding.
Beth not only has a wonderful story but she has gained an insight into how God wants to take every believer from bondage to freedom, from non-reality to true reality. She spent the weekend with us at Living Waters Church in the middle of May 2010 and her insight into God’s purposes for setting people free is life transforming.
A few weeks ago the post arrived and to our great surprise we opened a package to discover a book written by Uli Eiwen. We have known Helmuth and Uli Eiwen for nearly 30 years, we visited them in Austria and ministered with them on many occasions. However, we had been out of touch for probably 10 years.
Uli’s book had just been translated into English with the title “Beyond Understanding – A Prophetic Journey.” It is another remarkable story of how God has used dreams and visions to guide his servants. We had heard the beginnings of their story when we last were with them, but the book gives the whole story to date.
When Helmuth and Uli planted a new church in Weiner Neustadt, Austria, they soon became aware that there was something holding back the growth and blessing upon their work. Through some amazing dreams, visions and prophetic words they were guided to undertake a miraculous journey of reconciliation which brought the former Jewish residents back to Weiner Neustadt, and has transformed their lives and the work to which God has called them.
If you would like to get hold of this book, we are in the process of finding out how you get a copy – email us for details. The German edition is available from
Thursday, 4 March 2010
A Good Sort Out
When Daniel told me he was loaning the washing machine to someone in the Church, the task of extricating it from the garage was daunting. So yesterday I took my courage in both hands and tackled the garage. I re-erected the trampoline in the garden, and put out the sun loungers, which I hope will encourage some warm weather! I discovered that the very cold winter had flattened the battery in the kit car, and have borrowed a charger to get it back to action.
I also packed away the sledges, chopped up some kindling wood for the fire and took a trip to the tip, or should I be saying “recycling centre”. The net result was a great feeling of satisfaction and a desire to continue this task until my garage is really sorted.
You will probably be able to imagine my great reluctance at tackling this chaos, but knowing that the washing machine was to be collected on Friday – the deadline forced me into action.
This all has a spiritual parallel, our lives so often become cluttered; important things become buried, and the mess just impedes our progress. The flat battery is a parable which encourages us to keep our connection with God living and healthy.
Tuesday, 22 December 2009
A Miraculous Journey
Joyce and I returned home to complete our packing ready for our car journey to Germany the following day, where we were to spend Christmas with our daughter Coralie, her husband Jens and their five children. The weather forecasts across the country, and the traffic conditions around Dover were not looking at all good. Our ferry was booked for 12 noon the following day.
By 8pm we were ready and packed; as we prayed we felt we should have a bath and get to bed right away. We decided that if we woke up earlier than the alarm which was set for 4am, we should set out without further delay. We both awoke at 1am and had the overwhelming sense to get up and leave immediately. At 1.45am we set out and as we reached Bristol the snow was thick, traffic on the M5 travelling very slowly. But as we travelled east the weather improved and by the time we reached the M25 the roads were clear and there was no congestion. We reached the ferry port in 3 ½ hours and were in good time to catch the 6am ferry – no questions asked about our later booking.
The snow was thick in Dunkirk, and again we travelled on snowy roads almost as far as Brussels. It was not all plain sailing as temperatures fell as low as minus 9c and our screen washer froze – I had been too sparing with the screen wash fluid! As we entered Germany the roads were clear and we were making great progress. But just around Cologne the snow began to fall again and we wondered whether we were going to make it. This snow fall only lasted about forty miles and the roads got better. We eventually arrived in Frankfurt Germany by 3.30pm.
We had driven 600 miles in complete safety and received and rapturous welcome from our family.
However, many of our friends and family were wondering how we were managing. Were we stranded in Dover, buried in a snowdrift in France, sliding on ice in Belgium, delayed in Germany? No we were safe and warm in Frankfurt, Germany.
As we reflected on the way God had led us, we were amazed at how we had been guided and protected. It truly was a miraculous journey.
Wednesday, 16 December 2009
The Piano Accordion
I was given my first accordion in my early teens, I had shown some ability in playing the piano, and my father was eager that I would follow in a family tradition and play my instrument for the Open-air outreach of our church. David who was probably my closest friend also acquired an accordion and we set to work to master the instrument.
We managed to figure out the vast number of buttons on the left side, and soon could play a number of popular hymns with an acceptable degree of skill, including “And can it be,” and “Guide me O Thou great Jehovah." They then let us loose on the Sunday Night Hymn Singing in the square in Camborne, Cornwall. On Friday evenings in the summer (weather permitting), we plied our trade in such villages as Baripper, Brea and Penponds, to name just a few.
As my skill increased, my reputation spread, and when the CSSM (Children’s Special Service Mission) came for their annual Beach Mission to Perranporth, I was asked to provide the musical accompaniment for their Hymn Singing in the Park on Sunday nights. The first time Joyce saw me was in the role of accordionist on one of those occasions. It was not “love at first sight” so I have no recommendation to budding suitors to rush off and buy themselves an accordion!
Later on I became a regular member of the team on the Beach Mission run by the CSSM in Nefyn, North Wales. Once again the accordion came into its own as I accompanied the choruses at the daily service on the beach. I was a team member on this Beach Mission for a number of years and the ravages of the sand took its toll on my accordion.
By the way, Joyce and I met at Nefyn, I was attracted immediately, but it took me another couple of years before the feeling became mutual, and we fell in love and later married. The accordion was tucked away in our family home and came out at Christmas and on other rare occasions, but because of the amount of sand it was of limited value.
When our son Daniel went to college, he had a friend who was an accordion fanatic and I was persuaded to give it to this fellow student, and thought my accordion days were over. However, just a few years ago someone in Living Waters Church found out about my accordion prowess and asked me to accompany carols for a church outreach at a Victorian Fair. I hired an instrument, got practising and did my stuff.
This kindled a desire in me to again own an accordion, so I set about finding how much they cost. The prices had gone through the roof, new instruments were in the £1000’s and second hand ones several hundred pounds. I thought my aspiration would have to be abandoned, however, shortly after this we were visiting our family in Bulgaria and Joyce suggested I look for a second hand instrument. We found the accordion shop down some steps in the bowels of Plovdiv, and to my joy there was a beautiful Weltmeister Meteor, 80 bass, three voice accordion. The price was 140 leva which when translated into UK pounds became £42 – probably 10% of its true value.
So once again I have an accordion which sits beside the piano, gets played occasionally, has its public airing at Christmas and evokes many past memories.
Tuesday, 3 November 2009
Planting Seeds
They have done well – to start with I grew them carefully - by the book - pricked out the sideshoots and intended to finish them off after five or six trusses. However, we went away for a while and the person who kept up the watering did not know about all the finer points of tomato growing and the side shoots stared sprouting and they have just kept growing and growing. When I saw the growth, I kept up the feeding and the fruit has kept on coming. It is November and they are still laden with fruit – as soon as I see tomatoes beginning to ripen I pick them and place them on a tray in the kitchen. The harvest shows no sign of abating!
A couple of weeks ago we had a visit in the Church from Bengt Wedemalm who is from Sweden, but now lives in UK. We are always challenged and stirred by Bengt. He preached about faith and read the words of Jesus when he said, “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it will obey you.” Luke 17:6 Faith is described as a mustard seed which is the smallest of seeds. It needs to be planted, and we were challenged about the need to keep planting seeds of faith into impossible situations. The promise is that the ‘mustard seed faith’ will produce miraculous results.
As I have just been in my greenhouse looking at the amazing crop of tomatoes, I am challenged to keep planting seeds of faith and looking for the resulting miracles.